LGBTQIA+ Peasants in Struggle: Free Our Land, Free Our Bodies

Capire spoke with Paula Gioia, Yeva Swart, Cony Oviedo, and Alessandro Mariano, members of La Via Campesina in Europe and South America, about the participation and the contributions of LGBTQIA+ people to the collective political knowledge of the peasant movement.
Paula Gioia is a Brazilian migrant apiarist in Germany, a member of the Association for Peasant Agriculture (Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft—AbL), and a representative for Europe in the International Coordination Committee of La Via Campesina. Yeva Swart is a Dutch sheepherder in France and a member of Farmers for the Future (Toekomstboeren). Cony Oviedo is an educator, communicator, poet, and member of the National Coordination of Indigenous and Rural Women Workers’ Organization (Coordinadora Nacional de Organización de Mujeres Trabajadoras Rurales e Indígenas—CONAMURI) in Paraguay. Alessandro Mariano is an educator and a member of the National LGBT Collective of the Landless Workers’ Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra—MST) in Brazil.