South Korea: UNDROP Forum to mainstream peasants’ rights in farm, fisheries and rural policy

On April 28, South Korea constituted a ‘UNDROP Forum’ within the Presidential Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Policy. The Forum will help to implement and promote the UN Declaration on Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) at the national level.
Ms. Jeongyeol Kim, International Coordination Committee member of La Via Campesina and a leader of the Korean Women Peasants’ Association (KWPA) was appointed as the chair of the forum, which constitutes 18 members from peasant organisations, civil society, human right organisations and experts, academia, and national and local government expecting more participation from the different field.

The forum will be active for about eight months until the end of this year, holding monthly meetings, policy discussions at the grassroots level, workshops, investigation of the status of rights of peasants and people working in the rural area, and institutionalisation of the UNDROP at the national level, with the purpose of mainstreaming UNDROP in public policies.