Solidarity with the working class of Colombia

We, the undersigned popular organisations of the peoples of the countryside, of the waters and of the forests, and other organisations of the whole world, lend our solidarity to the peasant, indigenous and Afro-descendant people who, allied to the working class of the cities, are demonstrating in Colombia to defend human rights as basic as the right to live in peace and dignity. We salute all the collectives who are in struggle such as students, women, workers, self-employed, peasants, indigenous, Afro-descendants and the organized youth.
We condemn the use of military and paramilitary forces against the mobilised people and the criminalisation of protest. The struggle for rights is not a crime. We condemn the historical and structural use of violence against our sister organisations in Colombia, who suffer massacres, disappearances and forced displacements, threats and assassinations.
We echo the voice of the social organisations in Colombia that demand a comprehensive agrarian reform to build food sovereignty, the demilitarisation of territories, the dismantling of paramilitarism as a state policy, the renegotiation of free trade agreements that affect peasant, indigenous and Afro people, and an immediate halt to the forced eradication of illicit crops and aerial spraying with glyphosate.
The Colombian people are not alone.
Resistance is not a crime! Agrarian reform and food sovereignty now!
Signed by:
- About Face Veterans Against the War – Estados Unidos
- Alianza Continental por la Soberanía Alimentaria – América Latina
- Amigos de la Tierra América Latina y el Caribe – ATALC
- Amigos de la Tierra Argentina
- Amigos de la Tierra Brasil
- Asociación Nacional para el Fomento de la Agricultura Ecológica (ANAFAE) – Honduras
- Bizilur – País Vasco
- CESTA – Amigos de la Tierra El Salvador
- CETIM – Suiza
- COECOCEIBA – Amigos de la Tierra Costa Rica
- Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT) – Brasil
- Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ) – Estados Unidos
- Community to Community Development – Estados Unidos
- Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores (CPP) – Brasil
- Convergence Globale des Luttes pour la Terra et l’Eau Afrique de l’Ouest
- Convergence Malienne contre l’Accaparement de terres (CMAT)
- Coordenação Nacional de Articulação de Quilombos (Conaq) – Brasil
- Coordenação Nacional de Entidades Negras (CONEN) – Brasil
- Design Action Collective – Estados Unidos
- East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC) – Estados Unidos
- Equality Labs – Estados Unidos
- FIAN Colombia – Colombia
- FIAN International
- Florida Immigrant Coalition – Estados Unidos
- Focus on the Global South
- Foro de Abogadas/os de Izquierda- Red de Abogados/as Demócratas (FAI-RADE) – España
- Friends of the Earth Africa
- Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific – FoE APAC
- Friends of the Earth Europe
- Friends of the Earth International (FoEI)
- Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (Fespad) – El Salvador
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
- Grassroots International
- Grupo de Mujeres de San Cristóbal Las Casas, AC. – México
- Haití Survie – Amigos de la Tierra Haití
- Indigenous Climate Action – Estados Unidos
- Indigenous Environmental Network – Estados Unidos
- International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements (FIMARC)
- Just Transition Alliance – Estados Unidos
- Katarungan – Philippines
- La Vía Campesina Internacional (LVC)
- Levante Popular da Juventude – Brasil
- Marcha Mundial das Mulheres Brasil (MMM) – Brasil
- Matahari Women Workers’ Center – Estados Unidos
- Mexico Solidarity Project – Estados Unidos
- Migrant Justice/Justicia Migrante – América del Norte
- Movimento de Atingidos por Barragens (MAB) – Brasil
- Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas (MMC) – Brasil
- Movimento de Pequenos Agricultores (MPA) – Brasil
- Movimento de Pescadores e Pescadoras Artesanais (MPP) – Brasil
- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) – Brasil
- Movimento pela Soberania Popular na Mineração (MAM) – Brasil
- Mujeres Libres COLEM A.C. – México
- Mundubat – País Vasco
- Observatorio de las Multinacionales en América Latina (OMAL)
- Otros Mundos Chiapas – Amigos de la Tierra México
- Pastoral da Juventude Rural (PJR) – Brasil
- Pastoral da Juventude Rural (PJR) – Brasil
- Paz con Dignidad – Espãna
- People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Justice (PODER) – Estados Unidos
- Progressive Technology Project – Estados Unidos
- Rede Nacional de Médicas e Médicos Populares – Brasil
- REDES – Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay
- Sempreviva Organização Feminista (SOF) – Brasil
- Soldepaz Pachakuti – España
- Transnational Institute (TNI) – Holanda
- União da Juventude Socialista (UJS) – Brasil
- Unión Tierra y Vida – Ecuador
- Uniterre – Suiza
- URGENCI – Internacional
- Via Campesina Brasil – Brasil
- WhyHunger – Estados Unidos
- World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP)
- World March of Women International (WMW)