Morocco : La Via Campesina expresses solidarity with FNSA, demands equality and recognition of agricultural workers’ rights

La Via Campesina extends its full support and solidarity to the agricultural workers, organised under Fédération Nationale du Secteur Agricole (FNSA) in Morocco, who are facing exploitation and illl-treatment while working at agricultural farms, packaging stations as well as in the food processing industries and who are struggling for a decent life and for social justice.
We extend our solidarity to FNSA’s national campaign between February 20 to March 02, 2021, and denounce the exploitation of the workers, the discriminatory laws, the violations of labor and social security rights, the violation of trade union rights and other legal and human rights.
At this moment, we draw the attention of the Minister of Employment and Professional Insertion, as well as the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fishing and Rural Development to the urgency of putting an end to the discrimination between the agricultural sector and the industrial sector. The laws in force in Morocco concerning the level of wages and the daily working hours are neither legally nor morally acceptable. The lack of respect for health and safety conditions makes it impossible to prevent serious and fatal work accidents, which claim hundreds of victims every year. The demands for better wages and pensions deserve to be heard and taken into account.
La Via Campesina affirms its determination to continue its fight to support the struggles of the workers of the agricultural sector and will continue to develop all possible forms of coordination and solidarity in the service of the causes of the agricultural workers which are just causes.