International Press Conference: Balance of the 2 years of Vale’s crime in Brumadinho – Brazil

The press conference will include the participation of the national coordination of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB Brazil), those affected by the colapse of Córrego do Feijão mine dam, in Brumadinho and in the Paraopeba river basin, with the balance of the struggle of the populations affected by dams and the repair process. There will also be the presence of the federal deputy (PT-MG) Rogério Correia, rapporteur of the CPI of Brumadinho in the Federal Chamber.
Translation available in English and Spanish.
Registration: http/
In two years of Vale’s crime at the Paraopeba River basin, the word fight is present in the daily lives of those affected by the dam burst of the Córrego do Feijão mine.
Many times those affected went to the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG), held occupations and several other struggles in the fight for the right to water, emergency financial assistance, Independent Technical Advice for the Recovery Process and, the right to participate in the recent agreement between Vale and the government of the state of Minas Gerais.
In this sense, the Movement of People Affected by Dams – MAB organizes the “Journey of Struggles: 2 years of Vale’s crime in Brumadinho – There’s Justice only with struggle and organization”.
It’s an agenda that also presents the permanent struggle of the affected population against the mining company Vale and what the company represents, the consequences on the concrete life of the population and the defense of human rights.
The activities, due to the coronavirus pandemic, occur through virtual acts and some face-to-face activities, which will not generate agglomeration (see schedule).