#6Dec -Venezuelan Democracy and Sovereignty should be respected

Anti-Imperialist Week in support of the Venezuelan Elections (December 1 – 8, 2020)
We the people of the world suffer from dispossession and injustice inflicted by US imperialism. We will no longer tolerate the lies and attacks against our brothers and sisters that decide to not follow the plans of the White House. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, its legitimate government and its people are a clear example of this. Today Venezuela is the target of the global hypocrites because of its achievements, and for being an example of dignity and anti-imperialist struggle.

On December 6 in Venezuela a new electoral process will be carried out to elect a new National Assembly, the representative legislative instrument of the Venezuelan people. The call for elections was made after reaching an agreement between the ruling party and a significant group of opposition parties to guarantee that the elections will effectively be an expression of democracy and for there to be participation of all political parties. It is important to highlight that of the 107 parties registered to participate in the elections, 98 are from the opposition. Around 14,000 candidates are contesting the 267 seats. With this information, whoever says that there is no plurality of voices, or says that Venezuelan democracy is “weak” is clearly looking the other way.
In Venezuela what happens is the complete opposite: with these elections, it will be a total of 25 electoral processes since 1998, which is a clear sign of a strong democracy. It is a democracy with participation and protagonism of the people, where the primary constituent is the most important actor, unlike the false liberal democracy of the countries that defend coup d’états and attempts of imperialist intervention. In none of the prior elections were the results disregarded wherein opposition candidates or parties won offices, whether it be in the National Assembly, the governorships, or mayor’s offices. This also did not happen when Chavismo lost the Referendum for the Constitutional Reform in 2007.
However, despite having carried out more electoral processes than the majority of the countries of the region, Venezuelan democracy is systematically and constantly attacked by imperialist countries and by their local collaborators that in addition to disrespecting the electoral sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic, permanently beg for the intensification of the so-called “sanctions” against the Venezuelan people, and they even partake in international lobbying to encourage military interventions.
It is a very curious and funny thing for us, that while international organisms like the OAS with Luis Almagro leading them –who confessed to be responsible for the coup d’état in Bolivia in 2019-, the European Union; the Lima Group which is nothing more than a club of corrupt, puppet and human rights-violating governments including Peru, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, have already declared that they will not recognize the electoral process in Venezuela, and use mainstream media to amplify this assertion. Meanwhile they remain silent about the tragicomic electoral show in the US, where president Donald Trump, like a little emperor, clings on to power ignoring the electoral defeat in the democratic system that is always sold as an example to the world.
As ALBA Movements and the International Week of Anti-Imperialist Struggle we are calling for the Anti-Imperialist Week in Support of the Venezuelan Elections from December 1-8. We do this because we stand with the causes of the people and we are anti-imperialists, so:
- We support the elections to the National Assembly that will be held on December 6 in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela called for by the legitimate and legal authorities of the Latin American country;
- We demand the end of the criminal economic-financial blockade against Venezuela; that the permanent aggression from US imperialism end which have served to worsen the critical conditions of the life of the working class, intensified further in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic;
- We hope that the upcoming elections on December 6 serve to recover the National Assembly for the Venezuelan people, putting an end to the utilization of this body to push the coup agenda and execute the maneuvers of the imperialist hybrid war with its local servants.
- With this complex context of imperialist siege that puts at risk the sovereignty and self-determination of Bolivarian Venezuela, the solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the denouncement of the acts of aggression of US imperialism and its European allies are necessary tasks of all anti-imperialists.
Imperialism is the principal enemy of humanity.