African civil society consultation for the FAO regional conference

Harare-Zimbabwe from February 25 to 27, 2020
The next consultation of African civil society for the 31st FAO regional conference will take place from 25 to 27 February 2020 in Harare, Zimbabwe. This important meeting, entrusted by FAO, will be organized by the Zimbabwe Forum of Small Organic Farmers (ZIMSOFF) under the direction of the Steering Committee of the Consultation of African Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), in accordance with the principles of autonomy and self-organization.
FAO Regional Conferences constitute the highest fora and governing bodies of the Organization at this level and usually take place once every biennium.
Civil Society Consultations are meetings organized independently by and for civil society actors in the region before the FAO Regional Conference. Their purpose is to bring together civil society organizations, representing different sectors, to discuss specific items on the conference agenda and key issues relevant to the region.
For several years now, CSOs have been able to participate, through spokespersons, in the FAO Regional Conferences during technical and ministerial sessions. Given this participatory role, regional CSO consultations are held regularly prior to FAO Regional Conferences to ensure the widest possible engagement and support in FAO’s political discussions and decision-making at the regional level. Recent experiences have shown that by sharing with governments their analysis of regional issues linked to FAO’s strategic objectives, CSOs contribute to enriching the debates preceding decisions taken by FAO concerning regional priorities and the planning of activities carried out. by the Organization with the countries. Since 2014, these Regional Civil Society Consultations have been an integral part of the conference process
This consultation will involve representatives of civil society with a balanced representation of different constituencies, in addition to geography, gender and groups, identified according to the main beneficiary groups of FAO, ensuring that divergent interests, voices and societal concerns are included (farmers, artisanal fishermen and fish farmers, pastoralists and pastoralists, forest dwellers, ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples, landless, agricultural/rural workers, especially women and young people, consumers, NGOs, etc.
Download and Read the concept note
To participate in this consultation, please complete the form via the following link before the deadline set for January 31, 2020:
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