In view of the leaked documents on transitional regulation: Agricultural sector in crisis needs a fairer distribution of aid NOW

Press release: Brussels, 31 October 2019
The transitional regulation for the CAP is due to be presented by the Commission in the next few days.
Brussels, 31 October 2019 – In view of the Transition Regulation and the Commission’s leaked documents, European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) takes note that the new CAP budget will respond to both the first and second pillar of the CAP. We stress the need to present it as soon as possible in order to avoid the suspension, for 1 to 2 years, of direct aid and rural development aid. Farmers deserve to be guaranteed the continuity of their aid during the transition period.
On the other hand, ECVC reiterates that the regulation should include the proposal that, from 2021, the ceilings of EUR 60 000 and the redistribution of aid in favour of small and medium-sized farmers should apply.
The situation in the sector cannot wait, regardless of the delays in the reform of the CAP. The loss of farmers and the drop in prices and incomes urge the regulation to limit aid and redistribute it without further delay.
With regard to the Market Organisation (CMO), immediate action is needed which includes the definition of crisis, regulation of production with voluntary and compulsory measures, limiting the growth of large farms in order to stabilise the market and thus prices to producers.
Furthermore, on the second pillar, ECVC considers that this Regulation should give the Member States the opportunity not to prolong some of the current measures. However, measures such as compensatory payments, organic farming, and the first installation of young farmers, among others, must continue throughout the transition period.
Jose Miguel Pacheco (ECVC Coordination Committee): +351 968 721 995 – PT, ES
Antonio Onorati (ECVC CAP Group): +39 3408 2194 56 – IT, FR, EN
Photo Credit : ©Occitanie-Europe