Terminate the recently signed United Nations-World Economic Forum strategic partnership agreement: Open Letter to the UN

The World Economic Forum (WEF)-UN partnership agreement is a dangerous threat to UN System.
This agreement will de-legitimize the United Nations and provide transnational corporations preferential and deferential access to the UN System. The UN system is already under a big threat from the US Government and those who question a democratic multilateral world. However, this corporatization of the UN poses a much deeper long-term threat, as it will reduce public support for the UN system in the South and the North.
La Via Campesina has joined a group of civil society organisations, unions and movements in writing an open letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations and also copied to the President of the General Assembly, the President of the Security Council and the Chair of the G77, with a request that this letter be circulated to all Governments as an official document.
We urge all like-mided organisations, allies and friends to sign on to this open letter and make our voices of resistance louder and clearer.