MAB activist and her family is killed

The Movement of People Affected by Dams – MAB suffers this Friday the pain and revolt to inform the murder of MAB’s regional coordinator in Tucuruí, state of Pará, Dilma Ferreira Silva and her family.
There are still no details yet about the number of victims or the reason for the crime.
Dilma was affected by the Tucuruí hydro-power dam, she saw her city being flooded with the opening of the dam gates, she suffered the complete negligence of those responsible for the dam, 30 years since the building of the dam Dilma and her community haven’t received any kind of compensation for their losses.
Dilma Ferreira participated in the audience with the former president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff in 2011, handing over MAB’s document demanding a national policy of rights for those affected by dams and with a special attention to the women affected by dams.
“What gives us strength is the movement, is the struggle not to let what we have suffered to happen to others,” explains Dilma Ferreira, when asked about the reason to be part of MAB in an interview for the Amazonia Portal, on the occasion of the struggle in Brasilia during MAB Women’s National Meeting in 2011.
According to information until now, MAB activist from Pará is killed along with her husband and other relatives. For MAB, the murder of our Dilma is another sad moment for the history of those affected by dams, who celebrated today the International Day of Water. We demand from authorities the rapid investigation of this crime and safety measures for those affected by dams throughout Brazil.
Water for life, not for death!
Águas para vida, não para morte!