The Tarajal Massacre and our agricultural fields

February 6, 2019
International Day to stop the repression of migrants and for the respect of their Human Rights
The European Coordination Via Campésina and the National Federation of the Agricultural Sector (FNSA-Morocco) join the families of the victims commemorating today the Tarajal massacre.
On February 6, 2014, 15 people died and others went missing trying to make it to the Spanish coast. The migrants drowned under the eyes of the Guardia Civil, which fired rubber bullets and applied other riot equipment on them.
This event has become a disgraceful symbol of the dehumanized migration policies and the unlawful repression carried out at EU borders, disavowing the very principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The same cynicism and the same logic behind the loss of people drowned in the Mediterranean (an average of 6 migrants disappeared at sea per day in 2018, according to the UN), lurks behind the injury and death of migrant workers on their way to work on the roads of Apulia (Italy) and their exploitation in the fields of large European farms.
Following our call in Marrakech for a Pact of Solidarity and Unity of Action for the Rights of All Migrants and Refugees, we call, especially on this day, not to forget the memory of our migrant comrades who have disappeared or are suffering.
We call for increased acts of resistance and solidarity in all places where the rights of migrants are violated.
Contact :
Federico Pacheco – ECVC Coordination Committee: +34 690 6510 46 (FR, ES)
Mohammed Hakech – National Federation of the Agricultural Sector – La Via Campesina: +212 691 0087 05 (FR, AR)
Romain Balandier – La Confédération Paysanne – ECVC: +33 613 3818 28 (FR)