Brazil: Quilombo Campo Grande suffers threats from Fascism

We, the MST families of Southern MG, of Quilombo Campo Grande, denounce fascist action against our 20-year struggle.
Here, families, after so many years, already have electrical energy infrastructure, houses and produce a great diversity of agroecological production, such as coffee, many varieties of corn, beans, vegetables, fruits, organic seeds livestock, chickens, pigs.
These families generate, with their work, food sovereignty, not only for those who produce and live on the land, but for thousands of people who have access to a healthy and quality food, without poison.
The camps also generate income distribution. The land, which was only of one owner, now brings dignity to nearly 450 families, more than 2,000 people who were almost having their dream of having possession of the land carried out by a state decree.
But now, through a legal conspiracy between the big landowners, deputies of the ruralist group and agribusiness companies in the region, they are organizing an eviction process for the families that live and resist throughout these 20 years of struggle.
This situation is unacceptable!
Two months ago the families had been settled and now they can lose everything they have built over the years.
This is one of the oldest agrarian conflicts in the country.
We urge all organizations, supporters and friends to send/email the message below (in Spanish) to the Agrarian Court and the organization following the case demanding that the repossession action to be dismissed;
To, (Agrarian Court)
Aos cuidados do Dr. Sr. Juiz Walter Ziwicker Esbaille Junior,
Venho através deste declarar sobre ação de reintegração de posse N° 0024.11.188.917-6 ajuizada em 17.06/2011, meu pedido de indeferimento de ação de reintegração de posse, que estão de acordo com os artigos 22 a 20 da DUDH consubstancia os direitos sociais, o direito ao trabalho, à escolha do trabalho, pois as 450 famílias, mais de 2000 pessoas já estão em posse velha da área a mais de 20 anos, tem suas casas, produção e reprodução da vida neste local.
Pela resolução do conflito e pela permeância das famílias, fazemos esse apelo
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We are resistance!
The fight for Agrarian Reform is the Fight for Democracy
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