Briefing on Rights of Peasants: Side Event, 14 Nov | ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters NY

The Permanent Missions of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, South Africa and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela along with the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights and the international peasant movement La Via Campesina, co-sponsor this briefing.
WHEN: 03:15 PM, 14 November 2018 , Wednesday
VENUE: ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters NY
After years of participating and contributing to discussion on the Declaration in Geneva, a delegation of women and men representing the peasant organisations of Asia, Afria, Europe, Americas are in New York to accompany the adoption of the Resolution and will brief members states about the current situation of peasants around the world and their need for this instrument to be adopted.
Download the invitation to see the list of speakers at the event