Food Sovereignty | International Solidarity | Peasants' Rights | South America | Transnational Companies and Agribusiness
Brazil: Do not drink coffee from those who expel peasants from the land! Join this campaign!

These companies buy coffee from one of the biggest coffee producers in Brazil, João Faria da Silva.
This businessman is behind the eviction order which will expel more than 450 families from Quilombo Campo Grande, MST, who occupied the land of a bankrupt farm more than 20 years ago.
These families produce organic food, including coffee (as part of the Guaí cooperative), generating jobs and income for more than 2 thousand people.
Now, the coffee break is time for pressure.

Suggestion for the message:
I’m against the predatory activities of Mr João Faria da Silva, owner of Terra Forte Cafés Company, which may harm the lives of thousands of people in Campo do Meio – MG. This businessman is behind the eviction order which will expel more than 450 families who have been living in the land for more than 20 years ago. These families produce organic food and generate jobs and income for more than 2 thousand people.
We will NOT buy any products coming from this coffee producer!
And it includes your products!
And it includes your products!
Support the lives of the peasants of Brazil. Do not buy from Mr João Faria da Silva or Terra Forte Cafés!
# NoMeuBuleNão
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