#SPYCOPS: Political Undercover Policing and Human Rights | La Via Campesina expresses support and solidarity with Kate Wilson

28 September, Harare: La Via Campesina (LVC), on behalf of the 200 million of peasants that the global movement represents, publicly expresses support and solidarity with Kate Wilson, who has been supporting and struggling with us shoulder to shoulder for many years.
Kate, in such a brave way, is running a case about police infiltration, human rights abuses and rightly demanding to access information and to put a stop to organised practices of targeting social and environmental activists.
In different environments, we share a common experience of being threatened economically, physically and emotionally. La Via Campesina expresses its deepest solidarity with this important struggle against institutional sexism and institutional prejudice. La Via Campesina stands with Kate Wilson and people fighting for justice.
LVC encourages its members and supporters to attend the public demonstration on the 3rd of October in London.
After the hearing there will be an informative session where Kate and her legal team will give info about the court case. Register here.
More information on the case and on how to support can be found here.