To include food sovereignty in the Swiss constitution would be to recognise the real challenges and priorities for citizens: ECVC

On 23 September, Swiss citizens will be able to vote to include an article on food sovereignty in the constitution.
This crucial decision comes at a very particular moment when Europe, subjected violently to heat waves, drought, forest fires and lack of water, is recognising the intense consequences of climate change and the great fragility of industrial agricultural systems. It is also acknowledging the centrality of peasant agriculture – with its numerous farms practising agriculture that is resilient and benefiting the climate and environment – being able to guarantee food for everyone.
Agricultural policies geared towards food sovereignty can support quality food for all and truly sustainable agriculture.
People demand food and agricultural policies based on legitimacy, equity, solidarity and sustainability; these policies are necessary to ensure food security, public health, employment in rural areas and address the problems of the global food crisis and climate change.
The European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC), salutes the impressive work of Uniterre and the member organisations of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty, which led the initiative to a popular federal vote.
For the Swiss people, it is an incredible opportunity to have the opportunity to decide, through their vote, on such an important text, which would give just priority to what is most fundamental; to feed themselves while protecting the future of the planet.
We sincerely hope that the vote will be a success on 23 September.
The ECVC Coordinating Committee
Rudi Berli – Uniterre : +41 (0)78 707 78 83 (FR, AL, EN)
Ulrike Minkner – Uniterre : +41 (0)77 401 88 72 (AL, FR)
Paula Gioia – Comité de Coordination ECVC: +49 152 0576 45 91 (EN, ES, AL)