Send in your protest posters, for a unique exhibition in Kassel, Germany!

Young members of AbL Germany, are part of a working group called ‘foodoctopia’ that is organising – KrisenkonterPlakate – an exhibition of protest posters related to resistance and struggles by small-scale farmers and smallholders.
The exhibition is due to open on 04 September 2017 and will continue until the end of documenta 14 on 17 September 2017.
The organisers are now looking for protest posters from social movements (of farmers, fish-workers, landless people, farm and migrant workers etc) around the world.
These can be sent as posters or photos in print or digital form. The aesthetic or artistic value of the submissions is not important.
The focus should be on real examples of resistance which can be taken to the public.
Personal, hand-made or personally-designed posters related to protests and demonstrations drawn, painted or printed on any kind of material are all preferred! Any information that puts the exhibit into its relevant context (e.g. a short description of the protest movement, a personal statement, or other relevant information) are also welcome.
You can send them to
The exhibition is one among the various projects initiated by The Faculty of Ecological Agriculture, University of Kassel
For more information visit;