Without peasants, there is no food. Let’s grow their rights!

A large coalition for Peasants’ Rights (leaded by HOTL partners and Nyéléni Europe) has launched an online petition “Strengthen the Human Rights of Peasants”! This petition asks the EU and its Member States to actively participate in good faith in the elaboration of the “UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and other People Working in Rural Areas”. The aim of the petition is to generate citizen support/pressure for a change in the EUs attitude towards the Peasant Rights process at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Demand the right of peoples to food sovereignty now by signing this petition! Without peasants, there is no food. Let’s grow their rights!
The campaigners are using Policat e-petition tool, which allows us to do multilingual petitions. Both citizens and organisations will be able to sign the petition. The signatures will be collected on a national basis and then handed over to the responsible political representatives of your country. The petition’s key message can’t be modified, whereas you can adapt the “background” paragraph with your own national/local information. The petition will be hosted on the website https://peasantsrights.eu/
If you have any questions – please email info@peasantsrights.eu