Demonstration anti-TTIP/CETA the 20.09: peasant movement calls to mobilize

Le MAP, Fugea and ECVC Press Release
Brussels, 15th of September 2016
The European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC), the Fédération Unie de Groupements d’Eleveurs et d’Agriculteurs (FUGEA) and the Mouvement d’Action Paysanne (MAP) are calling on all citizens to demonstrate against the free-trade agreements TTIP and CETA. The rally starts at 17h00 on Tuesday, September 20th, in the European quarter. The agriculture and food block, lead by the d19-20 alliance, will be the last of the parade. Participants will meet in advance at 16h30 at the corner of Rue de la Loi/Rue du Commerce.
The free-trade agreements would have catastrophic consequences on both sides of the Atlantic, at an environmental level as well as on a social one. The content of both TTIP and CETA is anti-democratic and an unprecedented threat to the fundamental right to food.
Such deals will give unlimited power to transnational corporations – already growing daily
– the Bayer – Monsanto merge, finalized yesterday, being an example amongst others – ensuring them the legal and constitutional framework to be able to eliminate the current rights of all Peoples and States. And CETA is scheduled to be signed on October 27th…
The transatlantic deals are directly threatening our peasants. If the last international trade barriers are removed, European producers – already often producing below production costs – are at risk of having to abandon their farms. This would mean the end of our countrysides.
Signing the CETA and TTIP would have direct consequences on our food, through the import of products not respectful of hygiene standards and traceability, measures that are protecting us from some GMOs, growth hormones and pesticides that are authorized overseas.
Let’s mobilize for the unity of producers and consumers!
Let’s mobilize for food sovereignty and for human rights!!
Le MAP : Laurence Lefever, +32 477 340 428, x
Fugea : Stéphane Delogne, +32 493 098229,
ECVC : Hanny Van Geel, +31 613903434,