Press Invitation: Nyéléni Europe

2016, August, the 2nd
The Nyéléni Europe movement for Food Sovereignty is honored to invite media representatives to come and cover the 2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty – the biggest ever convergence of Pan-European food sovereignty movements.
Up to 1,000 people from 42 countries – small-scale farmers, fishers, pastoralists, consumers, urban gardeners, indigenous peoples, researchers, agricultural workers, environmentalists, human rights defenders and trade unionists – will converge from all over Europe for a series of workshops and discussions on how to take back control of the farming and food system.
Dates: 26th – 30 October 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Details about the agenda and more practical information are available on Nyéléni Europe Forum’s for Food Sovereignty website: and within the Press/Media section.
For any inquiries and if you would like to be on the press mailing list, please contact: and the focal points from each country.
Background information on Nyéléni Europe
Something is rotten in the state of the European food and agricultural system. The consequences of the expansion of industrial agriculture and the continued drive towards export-oriented markets have sparked a wave of farmers’, workers’ and consumers’ protests all over Europe.
Tractor-led protests outside the EU institutions in Brussels are commonplace, and, Poland’s largest farmers’ uprising ever saw tractors taking to the roads to protest the back-door introduction of GMOs and land grabs. Exploited and abused migrant workers in Italy’s tomato sector went on strike, and hundreds of thousands of farmers and consumers marched together against TTIP in Berlin in January 2016.
Across Europe, people are organising at a grassroots level to take back control of their food and agricultural systems – and the Nyéléni Europe movement aims to bring them all together. Together we are building people-powered solutions to the broken system, and practicing new ways of organising our food systems – from the seeds in the fields, and from farm to fork.
The global Nyéléni movement was born at a food sovereignty forum in Mali in 20072, and the first European forum was held in Krems, Austria in 2011.
Nyeleni movement: