Peasant members of SPI demand immediate resolution to land dispute at UPT, Bali Village

Katingan. 06, June 2016
Hundreds of peasant members of the Indonesian Peasants Union (SPI) Katingan, Central Kalimantan, took part in an action demanding immediate resolution of the land dispute at Transmigration Settlement Unit (UPT) of Bali Village, District Malan Island. The action is centered in the Office of Social, Manpower and Transmigration (Dinsosnakertrans) Katingan.
Enjang Richard from Indonesian Peasants Union (SPI), explained that in 2011, Dinsosnakertrans of Katingan distributed 450 hectares of land to 450 transmigration families (households). However, the handover process triggered the dispute and conflict because the agency didn’t accompany the process of land distribution at that time.
Enjang continued, local citizens and communities resisted the transmigration families who tried to enter (the distributed) land and are reluctant to give the land back to transmigration families. They allege that the local communities have not yet received any compensation from Dinsosnakertrans, for the land acquired.
“The problem is further complicated when at the same time, in 2011, Dinsosnakertrans (also) gave the same land to the Intan Permai Ltd, which now claims the land. They claim the ownership of 360 hectares and only 90 hectares are allowed to be managed by transmigration families,” said Enjang Richard.
“Obviously we have asked for clarity about 450 hectares that have been set by the government as a land allotment of transmigration families. We, transmigrations families of UPT Pulau Malau, also demand security guarantees in the form of legal certificates,” Enjang continued.
After several rounds of discussions, the crowd was finally accepted by the government in the Hall of Dinsosnakertrans. The government was represented by Vice Regent of Katingan District, Mr Sakariyas; Secretary of Katingan District Mr Nicodemus; Head of Dinsosnakertrans of Katingan District, Mr Kesmi Pandiangan, and Chairman of Commission I of Katingan District Parliament, Mr Karyadi.
In the dialogue, the Vice Regent Mr Sakariyas asked Dinsonakertrans to immediately perform data collection and reintegration of UPT Buntut Bali.
“Earlier representatives of the residents (transmigration families) had agreed to re-record for the land which is not in conflict. While the land which is still in conflict, our staffs will try to find solutions,” he said.