Mobilisation Call: 2nd NYÉLÉNI Europe Forum For Food Sovereignty

The Nyéléni Europe Movement brings together farmers, fishers, pastoralists, Indigenous Peoples, consumers, NGOs, trade unions, environmental, development, research and Justice/Solidarity/Human Rights Organizations, community-based food movements and others to enhance existing food sovereignty initiatives and strengthen our work at local, national, regional and global levels.
The landmark international Nyéléni 2007 Forum for Food Sovereignty in Mali included the participation of 500 representatives from food producer, consumer and environmental movements from around the world. It was the springboard for the global Food Sovereignty movement. At this Forum six principles and the Nyéléni Declaration were adopted. This was followed by a European Nyéléni Forum in 2011 that was held in Krems, Austria, where the Nyéléni Europe Declaration and an action plan were agreed upon. In February 2015, the same movements also participated in the International Forum for Agroecology in the Nyéléni centre in Mali, and contributed to its Declaration. These documents provide the political basis of the movement and clarify what it stands for, and what it opposes.
These global and regional meetings have led to increasing numbers of people engaging in the transformation of the dominant food and agriculture system, resisting the agro-industrial model of production and consumption, and building the Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe and worldwide.
The three keywords in the plans of action are still cherished: Transform! Resist! Build!
The 2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty will be organised around 5 thematic axes, and oriented towards 4 goals.