UAWC publication “Land Appeal” On the occasion of Land Day

(Ramallah, March 31, 2016) The Union of Agricultural Work Committees organized land day activities under the slogan “For the sake of the trust and the honor of our martyrs and detainees, end the catastrophic division.” land Day is an annual day of commemoration for Palestinians of the events of that date in 1976. In response to the Israeli government’s announcement of a plan to expropriate thousands of dunams of land for security and settlement purposes, a general strike and marches were organized in Arab towns from the Galilee to the Negev. In the ensuing confrontations with the Israeli army and police, six unarmed Arab citizens were killed, about one hundred were wounded, and hundreds of others arrested. A demonstration was launched from Al-Khader in Bethlahem Governorate, and the participants planted olive saplings in an area surrounded by three Israeli Settlements. We are reviving it to demonstrate our commitment to right and ownership of our land.
Download below the UAWC’s publication “Land Appeal” which reveals the truth of the Palestinian truth