Justice for Berta – Join us to stand in solidarity with COPINH

Friends of the Earth Europe and Protection International Invitation
Two Honduran activists from COPINH – the indigenous group that was led by murdered environmental and indigenous rights activist Berta Cáceres – are coming to Brussels on Wednesday 20 April to share their experiences of resistance and repression and call for justice for Berta.
The two delegates, Berta’s daughter Bertha Zúñiga Caceres and COPINH’s general coordinator Jose Asencion Martinez, will denounce Berta’s murder, call on the EU to suspend funding to Honduras and demand that Dutch development bank FMO and Finland based FinnFund withdraw from the Agua Zarca project.
During their visit, Friends of the Earth Europe is helping to organise two activities aimed at raising awareness of the situation in Honduras. We invite you to join us on Wednesday 20 April in Brussels for two public events:
1. Action in front of the Honduras embassy
What: A colorful action to remember Berta Cáceres and Nelson Noe García, another member of COPINH killed few weeks after Berta. Berta’s daughter will share her testimony and experience. We will call for independent investigations into their deaths, the end of killing of environmental activists and the end impunity of these crimes in Honduras and around the world. Come and bring your banners, posters and other materials.
When: Wednesday 20 April, at 12:30pm.
Where: Honduras Embassy. Avenue de Cortenbergh, 89, 1000, Brussels.
Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1015016235211513/
2. Discussion: Solidarity across borders – How to support struggles in the Global South?
What: Activists from Honduras and Liberia will share their experiences defending human rights, indigenous communities and the environment. The evening will also provide space to jointly reflect on the role that activists and NGOs in Brussels can play to support these struggles.
When: 20 April 6.30pm – 8pm approx.
Where: Mundo-B building. Rue d’Edimbourg, 26, 1050 Brussels. Conference Room.
Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1277098858985182/ The event is co-organised by FoEE and Protection International and supported by other organisations including CNCD-11.11.11 Platform, Intal America Latina and the European network on Central America and Mexico CIFCA.
Join the COPINH actions
Please help us to demand action for COPINH!
We would be grateful if you could share the invitation and our Facebook events across your networks. If you have any questions or comments regarding these actions, please contact us at assistant@corporatejustice.org. We look forward to seeing you on 20 April!
Download PDF invitation and more information about the murder of Berta Caceres