West African Caravan for Land, Water and peasant seeds

(Burkina Faso, March 2016) Currently, a Caravan is travelling through West Africa, linking struggles for land, water and peasant seeds. The initiative is led by various IPC members and other social movements, with support from other CSOs.
The caravan started with activities in several West African countries and is now moving from Burkina Faso via Mali to Senegal. This is a big event, organized by our West African comrades, linking mobilization, capacity building and advocacy to advance the struggles for the human rights to food, land, water and peasant seeds. The caravan will arrive in Dakar, Senegal on 17 March and close with a ceremony with the current president of the West African economic community ECOWAS.
Below you will find some additional information on the caravan. The Convergence Book, which is the main tool of the caravan that contains the analysis of the current situation in West Africa, an alternative vision and concrete demands to the authorities can be found here: http://we.tl/e2HkRdld2B (so far in French only).
You can find reports and updates on the Caravan at the following links:
Please disseminate information about this important initiative!
Sign the Declaration here : http://goo.gl/forms/yyhXa2Pb4c and support the caravan!
Get mobilized and contact the members of the coordination:
CEED (ceednigeria@yahoo.com/002347065550217),
CMAT (kmassa26@gmail.com/0022376490315, chantal.jacovetti@wanadoo.fr/0022376818793, infoscmat@gmail.com)
COPAGEN (solodiarra.2014@gmail.com/0022376328021, konekaridja@yahoo.fr/0022522400216, sidyba2002@yahoo.fr/00221776535051)
SYNPA (sdbodea@yahoo.fr/0022997271349)