UAWC conducts workshop about climate change adaptation mechanisms

(Ramallah, March 2016) – the Union of Agricultural Work Committees conducted workshop about climate change adaptation mechanisms with the participation of representatives from the agriculture directorate, women’s cooperatives and students of Arroub College and a number of volunteers in the Arroub agricultural station in the governorate of Hebron.
Seed Bank project manager, Doa’a Zayed, presented the main concept of climate change adaptation, the main impacts of climate change on the Palestinian farmer, and coping mechanisms that can be used by a simple farmer. In addition, she explained the role of UAWC’s project “Seed Bank” to help Palestinian farmers to adapt with climate change.
UAWC’s Livestock Coordinator, Omar Titi, talked about climate change and its impacts on livestock sector, and UAWC’s roles to develop climate change adaptation mechanisms for livestock breeders.
Fundraising and international media coordinator, Hiba Al-Jibeihi, focused in her presentation on climate change as human rights and social issue, she confirmed that the impacts of climate change is the double on women because of the improper distribution of natural and productive resources, and the imbalance in the distribution of roles and decision making; which increase the burden on women to get their food and water. As well as, she focused on the impacts of climate change on the increase of civil wars on lands that lead to more deaths and sexual assaults on women.
Moreover, Sayel Atawnah, presented the impacts of climate change on the plant sector and water harvesting and local seeds as techniques as a tools for climate change adaptation.
It is important to note that this activity comes within and” Land and Water Resource Management for Agriculture Development in the West Bank Program ” and ” Juthoor: Land, Water, and Human Resource Development in Vulnerable Areas of the West Bank” projects