Federal Budget 2016 – The NFU’s Recommendations

Media Notice
(Canada, March 17, 2016) – The Federal Budget will be tabled in Parliament on March 22, 2016. The National Farmers Union (NFU) presented its recommendations to the House of Commons Finance Committee during its pre-budget consultation process. The NFU is calling for the budget to:
- Rebuild agriculture institutions through return to prior funding levels (at least) and by renewing their commitment to the public interest.
- Support farm incomes by supporting effective institutions that provide farmers with market power.
- Refocus agricultural programs and policy on the principles of food sovereignty.
- Re-invest in public interest agriculture research, particularly public plant breeding
- Correct the damage caused by ending the single desk for wheat marketing
- Support young farmers to ensure there is a next generation of family farms
- Safeguard domestic food production for the long-term
- Support agriculture climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Implement universal pharmacare
Visit the NFU website for the full brief, Rebuilding Canada’s agricultural institutions in the public interest for sustainable, prosperous family farms: NFU Submission to Federal Pre-Budget Consultation, February 2016, or download the PDF version inEnglish or French.
For more information:
Jan Slomp, NFU President: (403) 704-4364
Hilary Moore: NFU Vice President, Policy: (613) 259-2177