EU: Roadmap to exit the milk crisis

Invitation to the Media- Brussels, 1 March 2016
When: Wednesday 2 March, 2016 at 4:30pm
Where: at the Berlaymont building of the EU Commission in Brussels
The European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) cordially invites you to a brief exchange after its meeting with the cabinet of Agricultural Commissioner Phil Hogan on the crisis touching the dairy sector in Europe and a road map for a fair European milk policy. Less than a month before the next EU Council of Ministers Summit, where the milk crisis will be among some of the most important points on the table, ECVC continues its efforts to push EU decision makers to respond adequately to a situation that has pushed countless dairy farmers to bankruptcy and debt.
A delegation representing farmers from France, Portugal, Spain and Belgium will -at this meeting- highlight the harmful social, environmental and economic consequences the EU’s current dairy policies are having across the region. Among the proposals that will be underscored by ECVC during the encounter on Wednesday 2 March are: strengthening the tasks of the Milk Market Observatory, the regulatory evolution linked to the Milk Package, the definition of crisis and the setting up of a crisis prevention mechanism.
The crisis touching dairy producers can no longer be denied and the effectiveness of existing tools, such as the “Milk Package”, have to be urgently re-evaluated.
To participate in the press encounter following this meeting or have more information on it please contact:
Marzia Rezzin (contact press ECVC)
0032 47 330 0156
Andoni Garcia (Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos – ECVC)
0034 63 645 1569
Gwenaëlle Martin (Fédération Unie de Groupements d’Éleveurs et d’Agriculteurs – ECVC)
0032 49 156 3388
Geneviève Savigny (ECVC Coordinating Committee)
0033 62 555 1687
Stéphanie Delhaye (Mouvement d’Action Paysanne- ECVC)
0032 47 436 4242
José Miguel Pacheco Gonçalves (ECVC Coordinating Committee):
0035 19 6872 1995
Victor Pereira (Confédération Paysanne – ECVC)
0033 14 362 1033
Henri Lecloux ( Mouvement d’Action Paysanne – ECVC)
0032 47 436 4242
European Coordination Via Campesina
Rue de la Sablonnière 18, 1000 Brussels (BE)
T: +32 (0)2 21 73 112
F:+32 (0)2 21 84 509