National Farmers Union to be part of climate change solutions in Manitoba

Media Release
(Deleau, MB, February 1, 2016) – The National Farmer Union (NFU) is working with the Manitoba government to develop new ways for the province’s farmers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, and to reduce the impacts of climate change on our farms. The NFU, along with other organizations and sectors, is participating in a wide-ranging project to address climate change, initiated by the Manitoba Department of Conservation and Water Stewardship and funded by the provincial government through the Climate Change Action Fund.
“The research we are about to undertake will provide a solid foundation for policy recommendations to support farmers’ role in making agriculture more climate-friendly,” said Ian Robson, NFU Region 5 (Manitoba) Coordinator. “We are in an excellent position to look at the big picture of climate and agriculture and help make agriculture policy that addresses the farm, the community, rural and urban people so that the food system supports a vibrant standard of living that is environmentally sustainable.”
“We are also eager to pull together existing resources about climate and agriculture so that the information will be more accessible to farmers,” said Dean Harder, NFU Region 5 Board member. “We will be adding to the knowledge base of farmers and policy-makers. This work will empower both to make Manitoba’s farmer community a leader in Canada’s efforts to meet the commitments made in Paris in December.”
“The unchecked use of fossil fuels over the past 200 years has caught up with us,” continued Robson. “Today we have a duty to correct the damage done, but we also have a great opportunity to learn how we can work with Nature, including soil microorganisms, insects, plants, animals and water to produce abundant, healthy food without damaging our atmosphere.”
For more information:
Ian Robson, NFU Region 5 (Manitoba) Coordinator: (204) 858-2479
Dean Harder, NFU Board Member: (204) 452-3627 or (204) 797-6388