Hundreds of the world’s small-scale farmers join together at COP21

La Via Campesina, Confédération Paysanne, European Coordination Via Campesina press release
(Bagnolet, 26th November 2015) For a number of years, La Via Campesina has been an active presence at each Conference of the Parties (COP) organised as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC – CCNUCC). With no other option than migration when their lands are devastated by climate disasters, peasant farmers are among the first to fall victim to adverse climate conditions. But this element, whilst the most visible, is all but a tiny part of a much greater problem. In reality, all farmers, regardless of the part of the world they call home, are victims of adverse climatic conditions which impact upon their everyday practices. They are also affected by the so-called solutions offered by multinationals and governments during these well-known Conventions of the Parties.
From 4th December, the men and women of la Via Campesina, present from 30 countries1, and members of the Confédération Paysanne will be present in Paris to show that the form of agriculture that is the basis of their everyday life represents a valid means of counteracting adverse climate conditions.
You can download here – Our programme
– The biographies for some of our delegates
Find all our key publications on climate here. and Follow us throughout Social media:
@via_campesina and
@ECVC1 and
@ConfPaysanne and
Contacts :
Elina Bouchet, media contact (French) : 00 33 6 95 29 80 78
Solenne Garin, media contact (English, Spanish) : 00 33 6 10 04 83 69
1 Zimbabwe, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gambia, Congo, Canada, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba, Haïti, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Palestine, Indonesia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Nepal, Germany, France, Turkey, Romania, Spain, Denmark, Austria, Finland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden.