A farmers´ climate appeal to policy

(Berlin, November 26, 2015) With the UN climate talks in Paris approaching, farmers in Europe are calling for more effective measures to protect the climate.
Industrialized countries such as Germany must take the lead towards achieving the goal of keeping the global warming below 2 degrees. Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of the devastating effects for humanity and ecosystems if average global temperatures rise by more than 2 degrees.
According to the IPCC, global warming from 3 to 5 degrees would have devastating consequences for humanity if no effective countermeasures are implemented immediately. Such consequences are a direct threat to the very existence of farmers in Europe and throughout the world.
Already, the damages and harvest losses caused by extreme heavy rain, floods and droughts are enormous. Farmers in the southern hemisphere are particularly affected. At stake here is the existence of farms and hence the food security of us all.
Global warming triggers changes that transform fertile land into locations of risk, where vast agricultural tracts are no longer usable.
We need a preventive climate protection strategy that ensures the preservation of our natural resources!
Act now and stop global warming below 2 degrees!
European CO2 reduction targets of 20% by 2020 and 40% by 2030 need to be revised. German CO2 reduction targets of 40% by 2020 and 95% by 2050 should not be weakened! Binding targets for the years after 2020 must be determined now!
We demand that our politicians develop massive, mandatory and effective measures to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, which address the main causes of climate change! We farmers are also willing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our climate, for example by C-sequestration in our soils, energy savings and the sustainable production of renewable energy. Therefore we need better economic and political conditions that support the protection of our natural resources!
The limit of 2 degrees global warming has been repeatedly confirmed by the UN; compliance with this upper limit must be enforceable and legally established in law.
For climate justice and generational justice!
Contact Persons of organizations:
AbL e.V.
Georg Janßen, Heiligengeiststraße 28, 21335 Lüneburg
Telefon: 04131/407757 janssen@abl-ev.de http://www.abl-ev.de
Biokreis e.V.
Josef Brunnbauer, Stelzlhof 1, 94034 Passau
Tel: 0851/5650-0 brunnbauer@biokreis.de http://www.biokreis.de
Bioland e.V.
Gerald Wehde, Kaiserstraße 18, 55116 Mainz
Tel. 06131/23979-20 gerald.wehde@bioland.de http://www.bioland.de
Demeter e.V.
Antje Kölling, Brandschneise 1, 64295 Darmstadt
Tel. 0157/5824 9201 antje.koelling@demeter.de http://www.demeter.de
Naturland e.V.
Sebastian Mittermaier, Kleinhaderner Weg 1, 82166 Gräfelfing
Tel. 0172/65 98 387 s.mittermaier@naturland.de http://www.naturland.de
Further signatories:
Biopark e.V.: http://www.biopark.de
Bündnis junge Landwirtschaft: www.stopp-landgrabbing.de
Ecovin e.V.: www.ecovin.de
Gäa e.V.: www.gaea.de
Junge AbL: www.abl-ev.de/junge-abl
Katholische Landjugendbewegung: www.kljb.org