An Exchange for Promoters of Agroecology, Traditional Wisdom and Respect for Mother Earth

United States of America, Florida: February 5, 2015
The Farmworker Association of Florida (La Asociación Campesina de Florida Asosiyasyon Travayè Latè nan Florid), along with Rural Coalition and La Vía Campesina, is very proud to announce the CAMPESINO-A-CAMPESINO AGROECOLOGY ENCUENTRO: A Collaborative Learning Exchange for Promoters of Agroecology, Traditional Wisdom and Respect for Mother Earth! It will take place at the Campesinos’ Gardens in February 13-14 in Fellsmere, FL and February 15-16 in Florida City, FL.
It is an innovative community based projects born out of a 20-year social movement which has its origins in Mesoamerica, and which hinges on the idea that everyone has the right to healthy, fresh, culturally-appropriate foods and that small and peasant farmers, through agroecological, practice sustainable agriculture rooted in traditional wisdom to feed their communities and heal Mother Earth.
The purpose of the Encuentro is to provide a cooperative space for women, youth, elders, and families from farming communities, both within the U.S. and internationally, to share and learn from each other about agroecology, food sovereignty, and social transformation. Organizers will provide hands-on workshops to equip participants with practical knowledge for cultivating organic, sustainable produce. These include topics such as natural pest, disease and nutrient control; natural, organic, plant-based fertilization techniques; optimizing local resources; composting and seed saving.
There will be opportunities for political and social discussions where local community members and allies can share their perspectives on this movement to embrace local food, spread agroecology, and encourage changes to conventional agriculture in the U.S.
Donations are encouraged and still accepted via Crowdrise and the link is
Contact: Angela Adrar, (202)439-7724,