‘We are fed up!’ Demonstration January 17th in Berlin

CALL: To the fifth “We are fed up!” Demonstration in Berlin
“We are fed up with agro industry!”
Agribusinesses continue to gain ground: A few international corporations are undermining seed diversity and are pushing for GMOs on farms. Investors continue to build new, industrial mega-barns, where animals are subjected to sufferable conditions. At the G7 Summit and through free trade agreements like the TTIP and CETA, the world leaders are setting the course for the global industrialisation of agriculture. The consequences are ubiquitous: More and more farmers must abandon their fields, both here and in the south. Markets are flooded with cheap meat. The cultivation of monocultures is encroaching on the rainforest. Arable land has become an object of speculation. And worldwide hunger still remains a reality.
We can do better!
Non-industrial, more environmentally-friendly agriculture should be respected and valued – it plays an important role in ensuring food sovereignty. It must and can feed the world. To this aim, farmers, who treat animals and the environment with respect, must be ensured prices that actually cover their costs. We call for regional production instead of the growing orientation towards world food markets. We want politicians who finally act in the interest of people, rather than of a handful of multinational corporations.
Resistance leads to results!
We have already had a number of victories: All over Germany, citizens’ initiatives are preventing the construction of new mega-barns and are demanding the farm model in animal rearing. GMO maize has been banned from cultivation in Germany and our protests are causing the TTIP and CETA to stagger. In short: to bring about change, we need pressure in the streets. Therefore, on January 17, 2015 in Berlin, we will be demonstrating once again to demand a complete agricultural revival – in Germany and the world. Be there!
We demand:
- Fair trade instead of free trade
- Species-appropriate rearing, no abuse of antibiotics!
- Promotion of regional feed production!
- A global right to food!!
- Healthy, affordable food for all!
- Fair prices and market rules for farmers!
- Freedom for seed diversity!
- Bees and eco-friendly agriculture!
- Access to land for everyone in the world!
An end to:
- The TTIP and CETA free trade agreements!
- Animal factories!
- GMOs on farms and in livestock feeds!
- World Hunger!
- All the food scandals!
- The death of rural farms
- Patenting on plants and animals!
- Monocultures!
- Land grabbing by governments and investors