From Maputo to Jakarta : 5 Years of Agroecology in La Vía Campesina

Title : From Maputo to Jakarta : 5 Years of Agroecology in La Vía Campesina
Year : 2013
Language: English (Available in French, Spanish and Portuguese)
This booklet provides the delegates to the Sixth International Conference of LVC, being held this June of 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia, with some of the key documents produced by the International Commission on Sustainable Peasant Agriculture of la Via Campesina to fulfill its mandate from Maputo.
Among the other activities of the Commission has been a process of identification, documentation, systematization and analysis of our best cases of agroecology inside LVC, for the purposes of socializing the lessons of these experiences to other organizations and countries, and also to produce study materials for our agroecology schools.
Edition: International Commission on Sustainable Peasant Agriculture of la Via Campesina