Conference on Land Issues in Europe: from Land Grabbing to Land Reform

25th of June 2013, 9h00-12h30
European Parliament- Brussels
With whom:
· Olivier De Schutter, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
· Willy Meyer, Patrick Le Hyaric and Joao Ferreira, MEPs
· The authors of the Report on Land Grabbing in Europe, study coordinated by ECVC and the coalition Hands off the Land (TNI, FIAN International, FIAN Netherlands, FIAN Germany, FIAN Austria, IGO in Poland and FDCL in Germany)
· Coordination Committee and Members of European Coordination Via Campesina
This event is jointly organized by European Coordination Via Campesina and the group GUE/NGL of the European Parliament.
The report on Land Grabbing in Europe, along with its Executive Summary, are already available on the ECVC website:
Draft programme, registration form and documentation will be on the ECVC website soon.