The first European Forum for Food Sovereignty Will soon be opening!

Media Invitation to the Forum
Brussels 3 August 2011
Date: 16-21 August 2011
Venue: Krems (Austria)
Dear Journalists
The region of Krems, very well known for its wine production and the proximity to the Danube, is going to host the first ever European forum on Food Sovereignty.
The concept of Food Sovereignty was first launched by Via Campesina in 1996 during the FAO World Food Summit which took place in Rome. Food sovereignty puts agricultural producers and consumers at the centre of the debate, and supports all peoples in their right to produce their own local culturally appropriate food, independent of international market conditions.
At a time when the European Commission is preparing the draft laws for the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), expected for October 2011, more than 500 participants, from all over Europe, will make their proposals on the main challenge agriculture is facing nowadays: how to develop small-scale farming and maintain the socio-economic and cultural fabric of rural areas in Europe.
What concrete measures will be taken to implement this important political step?
The organisations present in Krems will try to respond, and propose concrete strategies, based on Food Sovereignty concept, that would achieve balanced territorial development, maintain family farming, produce healthy food and develop local market opportunities.
Events of interest for the media and the public will be organised on the 19th of August. They are:
• Excursions form 9 a.m. to 2 p.m, to different locations, from organic farms and cooperatives to a traditional brewery and monastery.
• Marketplace of Ideas from 4 to 10 p.m., where the contents of the forum will be presented and there will be possibilities to interview the participating organizations.
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet farmers, consumers, researchers, women and young organisations who want to be the change agents for a new society!
For more information:
European Coordination Via Camepsina
Mobile: 0032473300156