14th of March – International day of action against dams and for rivers water and life

Open Call
March is a special month to strengthen our constant struggle against all unjust structures of our society. This month we celebrate the International Women’s Day (8th of March), the International Day of Action Against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life (14th of March) and the World Water Day (22nd of March).
To celebrate these days, we call all popular movements, syndicates, churches, entities and NGOs which believe and support the struggle for life and against the commercialization of nature and for a new social model, to jointly protest against all injustices in all possible places.
We must denounce the exploitation of our people and in particular the people expelled from their land by dams; we must denounce the concession of natural resources and public money to the big national and international groups and multinational corporations; we must denounce the national policies which violate the deny the rights of the people and promote the destruction of nature.
We must also seize this moment in order to strengthen our demands, our organizations and the international solidarity to the cause. Promoting all forms of action and mobilization this period is very important and with this objective we are making this call.
Let’s celebrate with lots of struggle and action our 14th of March.
Movement of Dam Affected People (MAB) – Brazil FURC – Argentina FUNPROCOOP – El Salvador National Network of People Threatened and Affected by Dams and Canals – Colombia Mexican Movement of Dam Affected People (MAPDER) – Mexico