Via Campesina denounces systematic violences against Colombian farmers organisations
The delegates, special guests and ally organizations assisting to the 5th International Meeting of La Via Campesina, in Matola, Maputo, Mozambique, 19th to 23rd of October of 2008, want to express our concern regarding the systematic violation of the Human Rights and the Humanitarian International Law; and about the general out casting, criminalization, trial and violence against the Colombian farmers organizations and their leaders, who are persecuted, killed and incarcerated by State Agents, criminal bands and paramilitary groups submitted to the State terrorism. We would like to estate our support and solidarity with their struggle and their organizing propositions.
We confirm our decision to keep cooperating for a political solution to the social and armed conflict the country is suffering; we insist in the permanency of the local communities in their territories through the application of a complete land reform; and we wait and hope for the true, the justice and the compensation for the victims of the State terrorism in Colombia.
We encourage you to keep building the dreams up empowering the union and solidarity amongst the people and the regions.
Matola, Maputo, Mozambique, 23rd of October of 2008