Impact of The WTO on Peasants in South East Asia and East Asia

Title: Impact of the wto on peasants in Southeast Asia and East Asia
Year: 2009
Language: English
Content: This book is the compilation of papers presented by regional members of La Via Campesina Southeast Asia and East Asia. These papers were presented during the international seminar on the impact of the WTO on peasants in the region during 2004 and 2005. We understand that this book is not perfect, but its release is important to show how the WTO has caused made peasant suffering. As Lee Kyoung Hae, the Korean farmer who committed suicide in Cancun said, “The WTO kills farmers!” The first part of the book was prepared by NOUMINREN Japan and KPL South Korea, two Asian countries considered developed. The second part of the book was prepared by PANGGAU Malaysia, FSPI Indonesia, PARAGOS Philippines, and the Assembly of the Poor in Thailand.